Nelson Breaks Ranks With Himself on Taxes

Press Release

Date: July 26, 2012
Location: Miami, FL

Attempting to force another tax increase, in addition to ObamaCare, on Floridians and the nation yesterday, Bill Nelson cast the deciding vote to pass a tax increase on those making over $250,000.

Earlier this month, trying to distance himself from Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on individuals making over $250,000, liberal Bill Nelson's spokesman Dan McLaughlin told the Orlando Sentinel, "Nelson's favored position is to permanently extend the Bush-era tax cuts for those making under $1 million."

But when the vote came on the floor of the United States Senate yesterday, Nelson sided with the liberal President he tried to distance himself from just weeks earlier. Regarding the vote he cast yesterday, Nelson told CNN, "At the end of the day this (legislative maneuvering) isn't going to solve the problem."

Republican Senate candidate, Congressman Connie Mack made the following statement responding to Nelson's tap dancing on tax increases:

"After voting over 150 times for tax increases, it is clear the Bill Nelson has failed to understand that the "problem' is taxes, and that nuancing his "favored' position to hide his Lockstep Liberalism is an insult to the people he is supposed to represent. Floridians are sick of Bill Nelson's saying one thing to them, and doing another in Washington. Even if he really cared about not passing a tax hike on the middle class, then why did he push through the largest tax increase in American history by casting the deciding vote for ObamaCare. Bill Nelson's tie-breaking vote for a tax increase yesterday puts him in LockStep with Barack Obama again, with a shared desire to raise taxes and not cut spending. And in the Democrat-controlled Senate for him to think so little of his deciding vote, makes him unfit to represent Florida any longer."
